Here are some miscellaneous books I’ve scanned.
Apple II-related
Brian D. Blackwood & George H. Blackwood. 1983. Applesoft Language. 2d ed. Howard Sams & Co.
John Blankenship. 1984. The Apple House: How to Computerize Your Home Using Your Apple Computer. Prentice-Hall.
Brain Bank (David A. Brain, Phillip R. Oviatt, Paul J.A. Paquin, Chandler D. Stone, Jr.). 1981. The BASIC Conversions Handbook for Apple, TRS-80, and PET Users. Hayden.
Howard M. Franklin, Joanne Koltnow, Leroy Finkel. 1982. Techniques for Creating Golden Delicious Games for the Apple Computer. John Wiley & Sons.
David L. Heiserman. 1983. Intermediate-Level Apple II Handbook. Howard Sams & Co.
Gilbert Held. 1982. Apple II BASIC: Quick Reference Guide. John Wiley & Sons.
Winfried Hofacker & Ekkehard Floegel. 1981. The Custom Apple & Other Mysteries. IJG Inc.
Chris Morrison & Teresa S. Stover. 1989. Apple Care Manual: Diagnosing and Maintaining Your Apple II+, IIe and IIc Computers. Windcrest.
Winn Schwartau & Paul Gitschlag, Dennis L. Busch (ill.). 1983. The Most Popular Book Ever Written on Making Apples Grow. Microtek Inc.
Sterling Swift. 1981. Educational Software Directory, Apple II Edition. Sterling Swift.
Jonathan A. Titus, David G. Larsen, Christopher A. Titus. 1981. Apple Interfacing. Howard W. Sams & Co..
Nat Wadsworth. 1979. Introduction to Low Resolution Graphics. SCELBI Publications.
Roger Wagner. 1982. Assembly Lines. Softalk Books.
Ken Williams, Bob Kernaghan, and Lisa Kernaghan. 1983. Apple II Computer Graphics. Brady.
Fred White. 1982. 101 Apple Computer Programming Tips & Tricks. ARCsoft Publishers.