Apple’s ProFile drive, designed (clearly) for use with the Apple ///, came in a couple of variations, and quickly made its way to the Lisa and Apple II as well. They came in 5MB and 10MB varieties (the 10MB versions are quite rare now), as distinguished by their model numbers (A9M0005 vs. A9M0100).
To use the ProFile, an interface card is required appropriate to the machine. The Apple /// and Apple II each require a dedicated interface card, while the Lisa (sort of) required a more general parallel interface card. I say “sort of” because the Lisa actually has a built-in parallel port that can be used for this out of the box, but the port in the Lisa 2 at least was internal, used to support an internal widget drive. In my Lisa 2, I have an X/ProFile connected to the internal port, so to connect an external (second) drive, I need the parallel interface card. I actually have a couple of 5MB ProFile drives and two parallel cards, but the first parallel card I tried didn’t work and I haven’t gotten around to trying the second one yet. My plan is to back up whatever is on the ProFiles now (which were almost certainly formatted for Lisa use), and then reformat them with the Apple ///.
Here is the Apple /// card alone, and then installed:
The Apple II card had a more generic name (“Apple II interface”), but was specifically for the ProFile. Moreover, the EPROM on the card determined whether it was for the 5MB or the 10MB ProFile. I am not at present sure whether a 10MB EPROM will work with the 5MB drive, but as I understand it the 5MB EPROM will only see 5MB of a 10MB drive if connected.
Here is the Lisa parallel card. I have two of them, and, oddly, they differ in that one has a 6-color logo on it and one does not. I have tested the white-logo one and it didn’t work, I haven’t tested the 6-color logo one yet.
Speaking of formatting the drives, another point about the ProFile: It is possible to erase a ProFile drive on any of the machines you can connect it to, but to do a low-level format requires an Apple ///, the ProFile interface card, and a special “low-level formatting kit.” I have the kit, but I haven’t used it yet (or even unwrapped it). First, I’ll back up the drives, then I’ll reformat them. My thinking is that they could use a good reformatting to extend their usable life. All of the ProFiles I have power on and make it to the “ready” state, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re on their penultimate legs.
The picture below is “of” my LLF kit, but it may well not be in its authentic packaging. It’s just in a standard “accessories” box, probably shrink-wrapped and labelled by the guy I bought it from (VintageMicros).
Anyway, on to the manuals, disk images, and paper stuff. This is ProFile stuff specifically for the Apple ///, originally contained within a box, here’s a (particularly beat-up) instance of it:
- Apple III ProFile accessories – US packing list (Aug 1983)
- Apple III ProFile accessories – US packing list (Oct 1983) (now with warranty card!)
- ProFile driver diskette (disk image file from
- ProFile Owner’s Manual Errata
- ProFile Owner’s Manual (Apple III)
- Helpful Hints card
- Backup III diskette (disk image file from
- Backup III manual
- User Input Report Form (older)
- User Input Report Form (newer)
- Warranty Registration Card
I don’t have any materials for the Apple II version, and I posted the ones I have from ProFiles intended for the Lisa a couple of entries ago about stuff packed with Lisa. So, there it is. When I actually go through the process of doing the backup and low-level formatting, I’ll document the process and results here, but for now, just clearing up the backlog of scans I’ve got.
So how did you capture an image of the Profile drives before reformatting them?
Which specific Apple /// disk did you use to reformat the Profile drives?
I actually never did quite get around to reformatting the ProFiles I have. Still on my to-do list. I just used Backup /// to grab the contents of the ProFile I have on my desktop ///, and then used it to unpack the contents within the emulator. It was sufficient, though I think On Three’s backup program is probably overall better (that was the point of their program, more fault-tolerant I think). I may try again, just got distracted with lots of other projects. I have a couple of ProFiles that were Lisa-formatted I think as well that I want to try to get the data off if possible, and once I’ve done that I’ll probably try to do the LLF format procedure and see how it goes.